Saturday, December 28, 2013

My Week in Maine

So, Christmas is over and now we're just waiting for New Year's. Winter break, for those of us who are still in school, is just about halfway over, maybe even two-thirds. And for the first time in three winter breaks, I went on vaca! *Fangirl scream*

Sunrise right outside my bedroom window.

I figured I'd do a post about my life cause I've been wanting to. The reason I haven't is because- let's face it- I don't have much of one as of right now. *Sigh* Anyhow, this is what I got for now.

We arrived on Monday night after an entire day of driving. We played a few rounds of ping pong in the hotel's (awesome) rec room to loosen up. The next day we went to a nearby ski resort, the Camden Snow Bowl, which I unfortunately don't have any pictures of because of my lack of a camera or iPhone. All of the pictures in this post were taken with my iPad. Pathetic, I know. 

We stayed in Rockport, a coastal town in Southern Maine (in the above picture, the ocean is visible beyond the trees), so that made for some nice views, as you can see. When we went skiing and snowboarding (I snowboard; my dad and brother skii), we could even see the ocean from the top of the trail. 

On Christmas day everything in the small town of Rockport was closed, including the ski resort and, unfortunately, all of the restaurants. We drove around that morning unsuccessfully looking for places to eat, only to return to the hotel and scrounge off snacks and leftovers til lunch. Later that day we walked out to the Rockland Breakwater Lighthouse, which is a mile out into the harbor. We didn't get to walk all the way because it was getting dark, but I got a bunch of pictures that day. Here are some of those (find the full slideshow here).

The next day we spent the day at the Snow Bowl again. We checked out on the morning of the 27th and came home in time for dinner. 

All in all, Maine was a pleasant trip. Although I didn't go into detail about this, I remember always eating or being fed. That sounds weird, but somehow I'm constantly hungry at home. (Maybe because they starve you to death at school.) It was a nice quiet vacation in a nice small town where restaurants close before 5 and people walk you to the nearest one. A guy actually did the latter for us. Pretty sweet of him! So for now, back to daily life. School. People. Laundry. Ugh.

What did you guys do so far this holiday season? Any questions or comments? Leave one below and email me at

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