Thursday, September 24, 2015

Summer 2015 Reflection + Rewind

Okay, it's a little past summer. In fact, yesterday was the first day of fall. But the point is, I've been gone for a while- and for good reason. This newly-begun school year is my senior year, so the stress began weighing on me even before its start.

Ever since I developed a sudden writer's block in February 2014 accompanied by a couple grade drops and a wave of eye-opening self-awareness, I've felt insecure about maintaining this blog. On one hand, I have a passion for blogging, but on the other hand, I constantly feel a nagging sensation that this is all just trivial BS.

I let practicality take over, what with college apps, SATs, and generally all the work I have now that the school year's started- and to be completely honest, I freaking DELETED this blog for a little while. I couldn't deal with the ambivalence I felt towards it and wanted to take decisive action for once. Luckily, Blogger waits for approximately 3 months before it permanently deletes a blog. During this time I was reminded of the original point of this blog. Over the summer, I started watching lots of YouTube. Seeing tons of enthusiastic and successful creators making content centered around their passions made me feel so validated. I used to freak out when I didn't post weekly, and here was Dan Howell (danisnotonfire), who uploads main channel videos just once or twice a month. I used to feel ashamed of liking fashion and beauty, but here was Jenn Im, killing both scenes. I didn't think I could ever truly express myself through a blog, but in much of his content Jus Reign shows YouTube the world from the point of view of the Western desi diaspora. Finally, I didn't understand why running this blog started feeling like a chore but here was Chris Kendall (crabstickz), articulating my confused thoughts word for word.

YouTube has inspired me in many more ways as well. For example, it reintroduced me to the world of marketing and PR, something I had written off a couple of years ago. Now my interest in marketing (PR or not) has been reinvigorated. And after all this, I've been thinking about starting a Youtube channel myself. I think it would be a great medium for what I wanna do; I can talk to the world without actually having to do so. So far I've pitched the idea to multiple people. Nonetheless, it's still just a thought; one that's either completely crazy or freaking revolutionary. Whatever it is, I want to continue mulling over this idea and give my creative side a chance.

In the meantime, I started a new Tumblr blog: Let's Talk Taboo. If I were to start a YouTube channel, that's what I'd name it. The name definitely doesn't sound anything fashion or beauty related like that of this blog, and that's because it definitely isn't. Though topics like fashion and beauty are interesting to me, in the grand scheme of things, they seem trivial. For years now I've harbored a growing interest in politics, economics, and psychology/sociology, and I want to explore their crossroads. Through this new blog I wanna discuss my thoughts on these topics and their implications for society. I wanna get right down to the nitty gritty about income inequality in America and the different factors that cause it. I'm going to discuss how lobbying is just paid bribery. I'm gonna "talk taboo", just as the blog title suggests.

My ultimate goal would be to transition it to a YouTube channel; right now I don't have the resources, confidence, or creativity required to start it there right now. In addition, I feel more comfortable explicating my thoughts in blog format. I can go back and edit posts with ease no matter if or when I posted them and don't have to worry about maintaining an image or having colleges or future employers finding anything potentially cringe-worthy. Originally I started another Blogger site, but after a bit of thought I deleted it and switched my platform to Tumblr because of the potentially more receptive demographic and easier-to-use interface.

So, what does all this mean for leather + rouge? 

For now, I'm gonna keep going with it. I can't let it go- not just yet. I won't necessarily keep a regular pattern going- though I'll try- but yeah, this blog ain't goin' nowhere.

Alright. Let's get into the rewind part of this post!

I kicked off the summer with a week-long trip to San Francisco. I flew out with my dad to visit family. I absolutely loved the area! Over the course of a couple of days we biked around in Hayes Valley, by the Castro, and through the Mission District, as well as up and down the Piers, starting at the Embarcadero
. I also got a chance to go whale watching! Unfortunately I don't have the pictures of that (yet), but regardless it was an unforgettable experience. 

The view from the plane on the way there!
John Muir National Monument
Palace of Fine Arts
Ducks in a pond @ the Palace of Fine Arts
Pier 39
A Segway Tour at the San Francisco Conservatory of Flowers
A flower @ the SFCF
The Embarcadero
Sidewalk art in the Financial District
The iconic Golden Gate Bridge

I also went on a couple of day trips with my cousins.

Ellis Island
The Jersey Shore

Then my half brother visited for a month, and together we took a couple more day trips!

Some art outside the Montclair Art Museum
Petting a horse with my brother in Philly!
The First National Bank in Philly

So that was basically it as far as "fun" went for me this past summer. Other than that, I was suffering through the existential crisis I described quite in depth above. To be honest, I still am, but at least school's gotten me back on my feet. 

But I haven't talked about the good things in depth. Watching YouTube and doing some travelling really helped me see the good side of life. I've always been a cynical person, and this summer gave me the time and experiences I needed to start actually constructively criticizing myself instead of falling into a vicious circle of self-pity. 

So how have things been for you all? I hope I didn't give you the second-hand blues through my long rant. 

Follow me!

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