Thursday, December 12, 2013

New Post Series: Music of the Week

As I'm sure you've noticed, I've been busy lately. One of the things that's been keeping me from my dear blog is homework. As a high schooler, it's unavoidable. However, I always find a way to work something in so I don't completely lose my mind. The easiest, if not the smartest, option for me is music. I haven't written a significant of music posts thus far, so it may not seem like it, but let me tell you right now that I am super into music. I love finding new tunes and artists whenever I can. I stay updated about concerts with Songkick and have something like 50 playlists (I haven't counted, but let's just say that you have to scroll up and down to see all of them), and have multiple music apps on my iPad. From the information above, it may seem that I'm a full-time junkie and do this like a job. Not so. I realized all of the above just today, while feeling clueless about how to approach my thesis paper. I realized that I haven't been listening to any of my Spotify playlists besides the Arctic Monkeys and that I need to rediscover whatever's lying around in my rotting playlists from the summer before middle school. I realized that I need to start actually listening to and finding music again, not just putting some song on replay and burning it into my brain for the next week and a half while doing stupid homework. To keep me on track with my tunes and to share them with you, I'm starting a new post series, Music of the Week, which will make itself right at home with our existing Poll Posts. Every Tuesday, I'll be featuring a song, artist, playlist, something music-related, or any combination of the four along with a few words. 

Here's "You're So Dark" by the Arctic Monkeys to kick off the new series. (I've been listening to it on repeat for the past week and a half while doing stupid homework.) 

Did you like "You're So Dark"? What do you think of the idea of a new series? Comment and email me at

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