Saturday, May 23, 2015

Post Series Update


I've been pretty busy with school this month so I haven't been able to post nearly as much as I did last month. The time during which I wasn't posting provided me with a good opportunity to ruminate over the tweaks I've been making to the blog over the past couple of months, and I've changed my mind over some of this (what can I say, I'm a dynamic person). 

  • The Hitlist is getting cancelled. It just encourages me to spend more time online than I already do and is too similar to Style Inspo (more on that next). Yes, I'm pathetic. I need to try this whole long-term-view thing out sometime. In the meantime deal with my short-sighted decision-making.
  • Style Inspo Nothing huge here; I'm just changing this series' name to "Style Spotlight". I don't know, I guess I just have a thing for alliteration. (Actually, I'm sure that I do. The proof is in my Instagram captions.) Another thing: I'm hoping to expand this series to include people and just, like, things other than clothing. So yeah. No worries, Style Inspo Spotlight is going nowhere.

I know it's kind of annoying that I can't make my mind up about things that I've relatively recently created and announced. Sometimes I feel like the changes I make are silly and don't even need to be mentioned in a whole post. But whatever. What I've found is that testing concepts out really helps solidify them into long-lasting additions to the blog rather than withholding the ideas because they aren't "perfect" yet. I would rather cancel and recreate and rename a thousand times than not let go of an idea that's gone sour just for the sake of longevity. And that's a lesson to consider in the context of life in general as well. 

So who knows? These post series might not exist in another couple months. But we'll discuss that when the time comes.


Monday, May 4, 2015

April Favorites 2015

Hey y'all! Recently I've been trying to think up a bunch of new ideas to apply to the blog. When I saw Jenn Im's monthly favorites videos I knew I had to start doing monthly favorites too! It's such a great way to reflect back on what you've been into and to share helpful tips and ideas with others. So without further ado let's get into what I loved this past April!

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Now Playing: Majestic Casual

Hey everyone. As you can see from the updated "Now Playing" tune in the sidebar, I've found some new music. This time it's from an entire YouTube channel. 
